Kelly O'Brien

Strength Training

Strength training can mold and sculpt your body as well as empower your mind! When it comes to strength training, designing a routine that is easy to follow and gets results is key. Kelly has the experience to help you get the most out of the time you spend in the weight room without incurring injury. Routines abound on the internet, and elsewhere, it is the attention to detail that makes the difference


HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training:

If time is a factor in your goal of getting in shape, high intensity interval training is the workout for you. Burn body fat, build muscle endurance, sculpt your body and increase your cardio pulmonary capacity! Workouts include circuits, giant sets, supersets, as well as fun ideas for cardio intervals. Attain the results, power and endurance you want.



Cardio RX

One of the statements regarding getting in shape I hear most often is: “I hate doing cardio, it’s boring!”  Your cardio prescription should be constantly changing to keep your metabolism revved up and guessing what is coming next. Let me design a cardio program that will keep you challenged and motivated while  burning body fat.



Contest Prep

Getting ready for a physique completion, no matter what the division, can be a one of the most exciting, challenging, satisfying journeys of your life. It can also be one of the worst experiences if you have the wrong coach. As an IFBB PRO competitor, and having competed since the 80’s, Kelly can make your contest preparation a positive, healthy, challenging experience. Kelly’s philosophy and methods of natural training will have lasting positive results for your metabolism as well as your life.




Having competed in the NPC since 1982, Kelly has watched all of the division’s develop over the years and perfected the art of posing. Whether you are competing in bikini, figure, wellness, physique, classic, or bodybuilding (men’s or women’s). Kelly will show you the techniques to enhance your presentation.